Sunday, May 19, 2013

Spouse shoot @ the Range!!

Last weekend the husband unit let us wives head out to the range and experience shooting some of the guns that the guys train with and use down range. I was so excited that the Commander actually set this up for us and put so much work into it. It was so much fun. Now Apache leads the way (their motto) in family fun! LOL!
The first gun I went to shoot was the Sniper Rifle. I was not a fan of having to lay down and shoot. Mainly because my boobs were in the way of the scope & I had on Capri's which I rolled down b/c we were supposed to wear pants so they looked a bit high-water-ish! lol

I was so excited after I fired and hit the 250 meter target. As you can see from the video.

My absolute favorite of all the guns was the 240 Bravo  I first tried to aim but the gun had so much power it was difficult. So I asked if I could just shoot like a madman. The army guys call it cyclic. It was AH-freaking-Mazing!!!!!!!!!

My least favorite was the shotgun. It even left me a good side bruise on my shoulder. Apparently, they use shotguns to blow doors open when they are down range (deployed).