Thursday, August 15, 2013

Care Packages!!!

We are officially 1 month and a few days done with this deployment!! I feels so good to say that!! I have been keeping myself super busy since the hubs left. The 1st week was the hardest, lots of bum days and chocolate but I made it through!! I am super happy to be able to talk to Anthony quite a bit. We are all very spoiled these days, and I love it! :o)

I also love to spoil the hubs by sending him awesome care packages! The first few I just tried to send fast so I didn't spend much time on them but the next few I tried to fancy them up a bit!! Anything to make him smile!

This one has been my favorite so far. "I'm blue without you!" It was the 1st decorated box to go out. All items in the box are blue. Some things were requested but most were just some treats!!

Included in the box:
BC Powder
Salt & Pepper popables
Kazoozles (my favorite non-chocolate candy)
mio fit blue
kool aid tropical punch
and a few other assorted blue packaged items.

However cute I thought this idea was, the husband barely noticed the decorated box. He did realize everything inside the box was blue but was mainly interested in what was in it. Kind of bummed me out. I think I'm done decorating boxes for the hubs. I will keep decorating my packages for the other guys who may actually appreciate it.

I have been making special Birthday boxes for some of the guys who will celebrate their birthday downrange. All of these boxes are a lil different but I do add necessary b-day items: cake or cupcake, card, balloons, party hat, blowers and best of all confetti!!!! I love all that. Only one guy has received his b-day package but he was so excited that I thought of him.