Sunday, September 8, 2013

2 months down

We have officially made the 2 month mark!!! We are all surviving!!! I've been trying to keep busy with my friends, a lil traveling and by doing some crafting! The time is going by exactly as expected!! SLOW!!

However, there have been rumors that the guys will be coming home early!!! This would be so unlikely for the Army to actually do this but hey, anything is possible!!! It definitely would not be a deployment if it wasn't filled with all kinds of rumors and drama. This deployment has lived up to the expectations.... sexting scandals, fights, early redeployment and some alcohol related offenses. Can't wait to see what happens in the next few months.

In exactly 1 month and 3 days my mom and sister will actually be in Germany!! I am super stoked about their visit. It has always been a dream of all of ours to travel Germany or really anywhere in Europe. I know 10 days sounds like plenty but I wish we could afford for them to stay much longer!! Along with Germany we will travel to Austria. It will be all of our first times. I'm so pumped, it's going to be so fun!!

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