Saturday, June 1, 2013

So Much to Do so Little Time!!

Just thinking about how much stuff we have coming up makes my head spin!! Leave officially started for the unit. We spent the first days of it taking people to the airport and he worked for a few days of it. But....he is off now and we are truly enjoying the time we have together. We are gearing up for our big vacation to the UK. We leave pretty soon!!! We are both super pumped about this trip. This will be Tuckers first time to be boarded so I'm a lil worried about him. We got to see how his reaction to having a friend stay the night here. Our lil Tucker never stopped staring at her while she was trying to sleep and all morning long. He is now known as "The Creeper." LOL

After our much anticipated trip to the UK we will come home for a few more days of chillin' out before he has to go back to work. Then I am preparing a huge "Deployment Sucks" Themed Party. I am hoping it will b a blast. With all that we have coming up I am also excitedly looking forward to the future cuz we just reserved plane tickets for my mom and sister to visit me here and finally I will get to go home for a visit after that!!

As much as I am desperately trying to keep myself busy I can not help but think of the impending deployment. It makes me sad these days to even hear the "D" word. :(

So on that note... I must leave the computer to spend time with the hubby.

Plans for the evening: enjoy this rainy weather by watching movies curled up on the couch!! YES!!

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