Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Trippin' in the U.K.

Today has been officially a recovery day. It's a shame that you always seem to need a vacation from your vacation. Early this morning we returned from our week long stay in the U.K.

London was definitely some place that I am glad we traveled to but it is someplace that I definitely don't think I would want to return to. Yes, it was gorgeous! But, it was overpopulated w/residents and tourists and it is incredibly expensive!!

The highlight of our stay would be witnessing the changing of the guard at Buckingham Palace and mastering the tube (or subway) system. Of course we mastered the tube the day before we left. London is so huge we couldn't get a grip on the bus routes w/o carrying a route map the size of a history book around with us. 

As a new follower of the Showtime series "The Tudor's" I was excited to see the palace the Henry the 8th built for Ann Berlin. Although she never lived in it before her death. And our tour guide was happy to ruin the end of the show for me by telling us how King Henry killed her. 
We also learned that if these guys are out then the queen is home at Buckingham Palace. We were able to take a trip to see Stonehenge and to the city of Bath. While at Stonehenge we encountered really cold temps and what felt like freezing rain. Wouldn't you know that we forgot our jackets at home. We ran into the store there and thankfully they had ponchos. Needless to say, our visit was cut very short. We stayed long enough to take a few pics and we were outta there!
 Excited to see this for my dad. He is dead set on the idea of aliens!
At least we can say that we have been there, done that!!! ;o)

One of the best human statues I have ever seen was in Bath, England! We visited here for a short afternoon.

The final stop on our trip was Edinburgh, Scotland. This place absolutely took our breath away!  The views were amazing, the people were great and the town itself was architecturally incredible! It is somewhere we would love to visit again. Although many restaurants centered around vegan and vegetarian eaters the food was amazing and soooo much cheaper than London. I even got the husband to eat at a vegan/vegetarian Potato Shop. It was so unique and tasted great so he wanted to go back a second time. I tasted Scotland's most traditional meal of Haggis, mashed potatoes, and neeps (mashed turnips or parsnips) at a restaurant where Harry Potter was written. 

 There were street performers all over the town: a man in traditional clothing playing the bagpipes, a woman from Brazil with over 9500 piercings(we saw her on the discovery channel) and a hilarious man that swallowed a balloon and escaped a straight jacket. 

I'm so happy to be able to make these memories with my hubby!!!

 <3 ya babe!

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