Tuesday, July 17, 2012

boring around here

Life has not been too exciting round here lately! I have watched every season of every episode of every show that I'd ever thought about being interested in. I have read more in the last few months than I probably ever have b4. The house is clean [if u don't count the attic]. lol I catch up on fb, e-mails, & pinterest everyday so I know what everyone is up to. {sad, I know} .......

Luckily, I have some things coming up that make me oh so happy!!! BAKING!!! Well, a new friend is having a baby shower Saturday & has asked me to host [since her hostess just recently PCS'ed] & make cupcakes & soda pop brownies! A lil nervous about hosting since there will b some people there I don't know but I'm sure I will do fine!!

A few days ago our FRG leader asked me to head up a new program getting FRG members to bake a cake or cupcakes to deliver to our singe soldier in our unit. I am super pumped about this program b/c I love Birthdays, I love baking, & I couldn't imagine being young, single, alone & so far from home on special days like B-days!!! I really am hopeful that this program is a hit.

Recently, I stumbled upon a great recipe for marshmallow fondant. Normally, I would not use fondant b/c it tastes gross like a gummy nothing. & although it makes cakes so much prettier I was totally against it, but I don't think you could go wrong with this recipe of marshmallows, vanilla and sugar!! Yum! I can not wait to try it this!!! I am making it soon!!! :o)

.....language class tomorrow!!! The highlight of the week so far unless you count this weeks episode of Army Wives or True Blood. lol N E WAYS..... Homework complete, I can now spell my name & say my handy[cell phone] number..... in German, of course!!! GO ME!

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