Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Officially in College.....again!!

Monday I applied & today I registered. So I am officially a student of the University of Maryland, Europe!! Since it's been so long since I finished my Associates I lost a few credits. But I'm gonna do it!!! This time I will finish!!! 43 more credits to earn my Bachelor's degree..... 77 already done! I got a long road ahead of me, but it is for the best. I am sad I have to take a math class. My math is at about a 5th grade level. But, somehow I have to do it. Hopefully my calculator will help me through! LOL

Good things are happening all around. The husband has started studying for the board. He is hoping to get his E6 in the next 6-8 months. I am super proud of him, all his hard work, & motivation. Of course, with the Army, everything is subject to change so it may not come that easy or fast but I know he will get it soon!!!

Today I had an appt at the auto care center for them to fix a couple of things so our car will pass inspection. So the way they do it is 1st come 1st serve. They say to drop the car between 730 & 8 a.m. I surely wasn't excited by this news. What happened to making an appt and showing up at your appt time?!?!?! After just 3 hours of sleep, I woke  up and raced to get to the car center by 715.Ugh, wouldn't you know it 4 people had beaten me there. After awkwardly waiting in the waiting room with some creepy guy & a mom and her 3 children [all under the age of 4] I was sooo read to get outta there. Finally, at 11:00 my car was finished. That seemed like the longest wait of my life. Good thing they sold Dr. Pepper there or I might not have made it. Then I came home to nap....needless to say I will be up allll night! Why do I do this to myself?!?!?!?

Oh well..... later peeps,I'm off to watch some Sons of Anarchy [my new love Jax]

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