Friday, March 15, 2013

1/2 Way There!

Yep. We are halfway through this field training! I am so ready for my guy to get home! The days seem longer while he is away and I get so bored. He wasn't able to bring his phone this time so I haven't talked to him at all. I think that is the worst part.

The only up side to him not taking his phone is that I was able to take it in to the shop to be repaired. After almost a year with it being broken he finally had a reason not to [NEED] it so I could FINALLY get it fixed. So they were unable to fix it so they gave him a new one. He will be kinda bummed b/c he didn't back up his phone to icloud recently BUT.... I am freakin' pumped. The upgraded phone now has a working camera and  takes panoramic pictures like the iphone 5!! I am beyond excited to try out this new feature!! I'm sure once I get the chance I will go crazy with this feature.... & I'm not gonna lie, I'm kinda jealous he has it & not me!! :o(

Luckily I have two fur babies to keep me entertained throughout the day. Today I woke up to balls of socks all over the hallway. The husband always balls up his socks when he packs. Since all his crap is all over the spare bedroom floor it is like a playground to a kitten. He must have found these socks and had the time of his life with them while I was asleep!!! Too funny!! But this pic is how I found them today....cuddle buddies!!!

Tucker (the baby) has found out that the bath tub is a cool place to hang out. It's annoying that he follows me to the bathroom... Every! Single! Time! But now it's ok b/c he doesn't hang out at my feet anymore! LOL

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