Monday, March 4, 2013

Life is Crazy Steak Marinade!

This last week has really tested me! Since the guys are leaving for the field you would think that command will give them a lil time off or at least they would let them off at decent hours. Oh heck no! Not this unit. I swear in the last 5 days I have spent less than 10 hours with the husband. Wed-Fri he probably worked 50 hours. He was so exhausted he would fall asleep almost immediately after eating dinner & taking off his boots. ;o) Saturday they had to be at work at 630 & when he finally got off he came home & napped. He woke up just in time for us to go out to dinner with the whole platoon!! Granted, I had fun hanging out with all the guys I guess I was just missin' the hubs. As soon as we got home from dinner we had planned to watch a movie and chill but b4 I knew it....he was snoring. :o( Sunday he got a lil break & didn't have to go to work till 10!! But he came home & he had injured his knee so, off to the E.R. It was a pointless trip because they didn't help him at all and just said to schedule an MRI, which he won't do because, well, he is stubborn!!! Now he'll be out in the field and hopefully over time his knee will get better and we won't find out he has done something awful to it.

Well, with all this time on my hands I have had an opportunity to try out different recipes. So I wanted to share.... This is a recipe, I tweeked a lil, for steak marinade! I had defrosted steaks but wanted something a lil different than the "norm."

Best Steak Marinade Ever

1/3 cup soy sauce
1/2 cup olive oil
1/3 cup fresh lemon juice
1/4 cup Worcestershire sauce
1 1/2 tablespoons garlic powder
3 tablespoons dried basil
1 1/2 tablespoons dried parsley flakes
1 teaspoon pepper
1 teaspoon minced garlic

Mix all ingredients. Let the marinade sit on the meat for 4-6 hours. Cook! 

The meat was so pretty with all the seasoning!! & they were so yummy!!!

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