Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Life is back to normal!!!

Thank goodness he is home!!! Life is back to our kind of "normal." And I am loving it!!! Thankfully this month he gets 3, 4 day weekends!! It is like 3 mini vacations!!! We don't have any plans yet but it will be the perfect time to do something!!!

So the day I went to pick him up when they all got back from the field, they were all hungry tired & oh so STINKY!!! Most of them haven't bathed most of the time they were out there. Command would not release them until they all went and got haircuts. You know, they have to keep up with Army standards...hair lengths being one of them. They told them to go a few at a time so I gave one guy a ride. In the barber shop you have to pull a number b/c it can get busy at times. So he pulled number 11 and looked up and they were on number 38. Only 70 people in front of him, with 6 barbers working. No big deal. Just one sign that all the guys are home. While they were gone the post seemed like a ghost town. Not any more!! YAY!!!

The hubs and I were laying around that evening as he tells me stories about being in the field. Like how all the privates assigned the leaders animal names. He said his was The Great White Buffalo (but u had to whisper it?).... made me lol. And how his squad leader got his team killed (I am not fond of those stories)! My favorite though was when he was discussing how cold and miserable it was out there, although I felt bad for the guys, he made me lol when he looks up so seriously and says..."nothing like having to wipe your ass with frozen baby wipes!"

I love having them all back and I am glad we won't have to deal with them going to the field again..... well until D-Day!!!


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