Thursday, August 2, 2012

Count down has begun...

Officially LESS than 40 days till the hubby returns!!!!!!!!! I am super stoked!!! I am hoping the time passes quickly!!! I am sending my last box to him [his kinda b-day box] next week!!! & I'm more than hoping the Army doesn't decide they need him there any longer than they said!!!! But thats what the life brings... u never know what actually will happen until its happening!!! It would be nice though if he came home early for our birthdays!!! I was really hoping to go all out this year since we will both be turning the big dirty 30!!!! Looks like that won't be happening!!! Luckily, my b-day falls on a Friday so at least I will have plans to go to the pub in Parkstein w/a couple of friends.

After a few days of having problems with the online site for University of Maryland I finally registered for classes today. I am taking a LIBS class which is just 1 credit but needed to graduate & then to my surprise the Math class I was dreading registering for was full so I had to settle on human biology! Equally as bad!!! I'm nervous about the classes but hopefully the term will fly by & I can move on to Sociology classes!!

Yesterday, I finally got my car all legal. The final process was putting on the new tires & an oil change. I started my day at 6:30 so I could be the 1st one in line & still they didn't finish until 9:45. Then went to Graf to get the inspection day & after waiting 2more hours.... PASSED!!!! Yes! After that I had to go up to registration to get new license plates. And the waiting continues.... when I pulled my number 29, I looked up to realized they were calling #96. After another hour & a half finally they called me in to give me my plates. Of course, they wanted to see my power of attorney which I had left in the dang car!!! Luckily they remember seeing me the last 5 times I had been in there in the last month so they let me slide!!! Then I have the pleasure to go down & put on the new plates [which is definitely something I would consider mans work]. I had no screw driver but did have the husbands knife in the car so I put the back plate on & said screw it on the front. I threw it in the dash & went home!!! When I got home & started putting on the plates, I realized the holes the guy punched in the plate didn't quite match the holes in the car. So..... I screwed 1 screw in and the other well, I rigged it in this little clippy thing so now it's crooked but it's on & will wait until the hubs returns to get fixed properly. I am over doing my mans jobs around the house!!! But soon..... I will have him home & all will be well!!!

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