Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Deployment is Coming!

Deployment is imminent. Sometime in the coming months, the husband & his unit will leave for a 9 month deployment. :o( Those words are never easy to hear but being infantry it is a given. Training, training, & more training. That's what they are doing now. Wives just want to spend time with their husbands and children with their fathers, but to be prepared they must train harder and longer. So soon we will say goodbye as they go out into the field for a month of training. The only bright side about this is the leave time they are guaranteed before they deploy! These few days of leave we hope to make enough memories to last the entire 9 months he will be gone! It is definitely something to look forward to instead of worrying about the dreaded "D" word. LOL

So we have been debating on what to do for our vacation. We really wanted to cruise the Mediterranean. I have been searching for the best deals for almost 2 weeks. While searching, I came across Virgin's Vacation page ( and was looking around the site when I stumbled upon some European vacations. Although cruising is our favorite kind of vacation, I knew that the husbands #1 place to visit while in Europe is Scotland. So, after searching for weeks, talking to travel agents &'s official. I booked our trip to visit London & Edinburgh. The husband is beyond excited! Well, we both are actually!!

Now we just need to get some Auld family information & maybe we can locate some of the places my husbands family is from. I think that would be so awesome!

Who would have ever thought that this small TX town girl would be living in Germany & vacationing in the UK!! :o) I'm super pumped!!!!!


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