Friday, May 25, 2012

Memorial Day Weekend! It is exciting that many get time of work & get to spend a nice long weekend with the ones they love! However, so few people really think about what this holiday means. It's all to real for us Army Wives and our families. It's a day to honor the men & women who have made the ultimate sacrifice for our country.

Did you know that Memorial Day was first known as Decoration Day [after the civil war] and was a day established for the nation to honor war victims by decorating their gravestones. May was chosen as the month because flowers would be in bloom all over the country by this time. It wasn't until after WWI that it was changed to Memorial Day to honor all war victims. In all my 29 years, this is the 1st time I have heard that. I thought that was interesting & had to share my new found knowledge. :o)

We have a pretty busy weekend planned ourselves. BBQ w/new army friends last night and again tomorrow. Trip planned with the MWR [Morale, Welfare, & Recreation] group here on post to go to a castle [which I am STOKED about] & a "honey do" list for my soldier that I know he can't wait to tackle. hehe

So, on this Memorial Day weekend have fun, enjoy your day off, and REMEMBER OUR FALLEN HEROES!!!!!!

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