Monday, May 21, 2012

The Adventure Begins

So, I begged my hubby to re-enlist for Germany & much to my surprise, he did!! Now, he would consider himself more of a tropical person so I know his choice was strictly for me! We have been here in Germany for a month and 4 days. Although stressful at times, this has been the greatest and most exciting adventure I have ever had. The views are breathtaking and I fell in love with this country the moment I stepped off the plane.

This is one of my favorite pics, taken from the castle in medival old town of  Nerenberg. It was one of our first weekend trips after arriving in Germany. I was amazed we made it safely after having to figure out taxi's & train rides to & from all on our own. But, we made it & survived to tell about it. & let me just tell you, I have never walked so much in my life. I can not wait for our car to get shipped here! Now, the husband is driving a rental car after finally passing his drivers test after 1 failed attempt [I still have yet to take mine]. The very first day of driving the car, we ended up on a bicycle/pedestrian path. Those paths are huge & the car was so tiny....the husband was so mad, but my navigation skills have improved tons since then. :o)

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