Monday, May 28, 2012

Castle Trip

Yesterday we went on a day trip with MWR. Our day started at 3a.m. We had to meet the bus in Vilseck at 4 then we had a 5 hour bus ride to get to the 2 castles!!! About halfway there the amusing bus driver, Allen, announced we would stop and have breakfast at the U.S. Embassy....

Yep, McDonald's in Germany!! We were equally happy to see that familiar ol' sign. Although it was similar it definitely had some qualities that stood out. You could self order inside instead of having to talk to the people at the counter & oh how I loved the McCafe. Besides the coffee, I heard was amazing they had lattes, frappes, & fancy cakes, muffins, cookies, pastries, & brownies. YUM! & satisfied w/breakfast & still a lil sleepy, we were back on the road again.

As soon as we started seeing mountains in the background, I started getting excited!!!! :o) I was completely amazed by the stories, the castles in the mountains, and the breath taking views.

Of course as we pull up to the parking lot for the buses, we see the quaint little town, and then look up at the 2 castles in the mountains. At first I looked up amazed at the sight and then I realized that somehow I was going to have to walk up that mountain. :o( AHHHHH!!! The walk up isn't so bad, it helped that I stopped a lot to take pictures. lol & of course the 2 friends we made that are in their 70's & have had spine & knee surgery helped me to not complain a bit!!!! I was certainly proud of that couple, they were troopers!!!

It seems like wherever we go I seem to had issues with the food &/or the bathroom. This time it was both. So, I never quite know what to order from these German restaurants. This time, I thought meatloaf..... "You can't go wrong with meatloaf?" right?!?!? WRONG!!!! Meatloaf here is exactly what they say a loaf of meat, but what kind of meat, IDK?!?!?!? It was a cross between spam & vienna sausages, gross!!! So, the hubby begrudgingly switched meals with me [b/c he'll eat anything]. So bratwurst for me it was. lol Oh the bathroom, UGH,  of course they make you pay to even enter the bathroom. This time it was 30 cent euro. But u had to have 3 ten cent coins. Of course, nobody ever seemed to have that & soon the change machine was out. We then had to backtrack to any store that may be willing to help. Finally, I get my 3 coins to enter the bathroom after a slight panic realize there is no paper in the stall. & to make matters worse they do not have stall like america where you could ask the lady next to u. I literally had to go out to another stall, inform the german speaking people what I was doing after I got weird stares, & cut in front of the 30 or so people waiting for 1 of the 3 stalls. OH MY!

Well, all in all, our day way fabulous. As tired as I was from the early wake up, little sleep, and all the walking uphill the memory of seeing these sights will stick with me forever. It was amazing and pictures will never capture the true beauty. If you ever get the chance, this is one place I would say you need to see!!! Awesome!


  1. lmao....did the mcdonalds taste different?? banyon said that the mcdonalds there have a different taste than the american ones. and you have to pay to use the bathroom??? thats horse poo!!

  2. well yes & no. The breakfast sausage had a weird flavor but the bigmac....tastes the same!!! :o)& I agree. They shouldnt make u pay for the bathroom especially when they r funky! Now I would prob pay for a nice clean one w/no complaints. lol
