Tuesday, May 22, 2012

This new German washer & dryer of our might just be the death of me. lol. I know one day I will get the hang of it. The dryer was the 1st problem. After the "maintenance" man hooked it up, he pretty much threw the manuals at us & left. All was good until the dryer just wouldn't tun on one day. My husband, the brains, figured out there was no hose to let the water out so the water must be going somewhere. Yep, a completely full water reservoir. Problem #1....Solved!!!!

So, today I started a load of clothes & when I came to check on them F13 flashed on the screen. Of course, the washer was the only appliance that was missing the English version of the instructions. So, for the 4th or 5th time, I sit with the instructions in one hand and my German translator app on my phone in the other. I figure our there is a residual water "thing" going on under the washer. So, I open it [slowly mind u] & BAM.....water everywhere! After almost a min of water pouring out, I'm thinking this can't b normal?!?!?!? I finish & attempt to start the washer again. Well, now I know what F13 is all about & it seems to b working fine, for the time being!

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