Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Rants & Raves!!!

Well, we are officially in the 20's for the countdown!!! So ready for that man of mine to b home!! Of course I got sad news at the FRG meeting last night!! The only reason he is coming home early is so he can go out to the field for 2 weeks. UGH! So.... I get him for a day & then he's gone again. Once he's home, I'll have him for 3 weeks & then, BAM, he will be gone again....for a month!! The army really knows how to suck the fun outta life!!! & they get told they get to take leave from 12/15-01/03 but get this, they will be on QRF [Quick Reaction Force] status so they should be ready to deploy anywhere in less than 72 hours! So.... it's ok for us since we r not going back to the states for the holidays but those that r have to b ready to fly back at a moments notice if they get called out. & all of this just to deploy again next summer. It seems like too much!! Sometimes I think I might not make it but then I hear the screams of other Army Wives dealing with the same [or worse] things saying find ur big girl panties & put them the F%*# on!!!! & that is what I will do!! Until he's home again!

On the up side, I found this really cool blog that is full of cute ideas for date nights, gifts, & recipes. It also has advice & tips for family & marriage! This will definitely come in handy in the future. So glad I found it & will share with you!!

Another great find was . I have been reading books from this site on my Kindle Fire for free! I love it! They don't have every book I have searched for but they are continuously updating the site. Check it out! I think I have read more these past few months than I have in my whole life!!

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