Friday, August 17, 2012

Was ist Los?!?!? Or what's going on?!?!?!

Countdown has made it to the teens!!!!!!!!!! I am soooo ready to see his face!!! It has been frustrating trying to talk to him on Skype, were 8 times out of 10 one of us will sound like a robot and you catch every few words! The connection is just so bad!

School starts on Monday!!! I am so excited to be going back, I am not so pumped about my 1st class being biology though!!!! Oh Well, let's get it started so we can hurry & finish!!!!!! So I'll be going Monday & Wednesday nights to class & next Sat I will have a 1 time class from 9am-5 pm. Definitely not ready for that one.....

But on the 26th [my hunnies b-day] I am going on a trip to LAUENSTEIN CHOCOLATE FACTORY and the town of Kronach. KRONACH IS SURROUNDED BY A NEARLY COMPLETE CITY WALL AND GERMANY'S BIGGEST MEDIEVAL FORTRESS, FESTUNG ROSENBURG. I am so pumped!! & kinda bummed the husband won't be here for the trip. I won''t totally be alone though, a new friend I met in my German class is going too. :o)  I know next week will fly by & b4 I know it the hubs will be coming home!!!!

Lately, I have been in a crafty mood. Went on a hunt for canvas' & wouldn't you know it was a German holiday & all stores were closed! :o( Bummer! Oh well, I have other things I can do until I can make it back to the shops! Besides trying out new recipes I'm attempting to make a lil piece of art that reminds me of home..... this is where I've gotten so far

The plan is to frame it with road maps of important places!!! Next, I'll need to find the perfect frame!!! <3 that TX pride!!!!


  1. I'm excited to see pics from your next trip!! I hope you are keeping track of all the places you are going so that when we visit you'll remember where we need to go. :)
    I love the TX artwork.


    1. Yes, I actually decided to make a shutterfly photo book to keep track! I am excited! I will absolutley post pics.... I'm excited to have something to look forward to!!
