Thursday, August 23, 2012

What a Good Feeling

Well, my 1st week of Biology is over!! Not a bad start! My instructor is pretty cool even though she's not the best I've ever had. Totally had a class full of lost people tonight [with that deer in the headlight look]. Nobody understood her way of teaching. She totally had to reteach things like 3 or 4 times for us to actually grasp what she was saying. We will see Tuesday how much I actually got when we have out 1st test?!?!? I can not believe I am back in the world of studying. I got this, don't worry!!! :o) Now a day off before my 8-5 class on Saturday! Whew!!

A couple more days & we will be in the single digits for my husbands return!!!!!! I am definitely ready to see his face [even if it will be for less than a day b4 he leaves again]!!! Even though he absolutely drives me crazy & frustrates me so so much I love that man w/all my heart!

Yesterday, I made a cake for a friends birthday! He is one of the guys in the hubs unit & the friend I went to the pub with a few times. After an extremely long and frustrating day in the field I was able to talk to him to let him know I was delivering his cake early & I wouldn't see him. Since it was after midnight I was able to tell him Happy Birthday & his reaction almost broke my heart! After the long and almost unbearable day he had my birthday greeting almost brought him to tears! You just never know how the little things you do for someone can make such an impact!  :o)

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