Friday, September 28, 2012


I have spent the last 4 days being a nurse, entertainer, cook, and maid as the husband has been home on quarters after oral surgery. I am so beyond thrilled to say he is feeling much better today!!! Now we get to enjoy the weekend before he goes back to work Monday!

We had planned to hit up Oktoberfest this weekend [b/c it's def something we have to see] but we heard that it is better to not go on the weekends b/c the crowds are over 250,000 people! I couldn't imagine being around that many people let alone that many drunk people. So we decided to wait till next weekend since it is Columbus Day they chances of him being off the Friday before are very good. Crossed fingers here!!! I am excited to get to experience the real Oktoberfest even though I am not a beer drinker! So i think we will just spend this weekend with friends, maybe a dinner date, and some driving around!

I learned an interesting fact today that i thought I would share.....  Many Americans will say gazuntite instead of bless you when someone sneezes thinking it means the same thing. But, it actually is the German word meaning health. Many centuries ago in Germany they were stricken by the bubonic plague. So people started saying gazuntite after a person sneezed because they were wishing health upon themselves b/c it meant they were probably going to get the plaque.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

It's been a while!!

Since the hubs has been home I feel like it's been a roller coaster of up & downs with this unit, his schedule, and this crazy life of ours!!! The current world situation has not made things any easier for us either. Always concerned that he may be deployed at any moment if things don't start to calm down!! I was so looking forward to the holiday season so we will have some time together but now that time is threatened by the attacks on all the U.S. Embassy's and every other crazy thing popping off around the world. Everyday that he goes to work or every evening when his phone rings I find myself anxious to hear if there is an news about a possible deployment?!?!? The weekends are such a relief for me!

I am happy to report it is officially the season of Fall, which is one I have never really experienced being from Texas!!! The temperatures are high 50's or low 60's during the day & in the high 30's at night! The leaves are starting to change and it feels so great!! I think this may be my favorite season [besides the fact that it's football season.... Go, Cowboys....  :o/ ]!!

On a positive note however, tomorrow we are going to get our passports!!! I am so excited to get them in  & to begin traveling outside of Germany!! [even though there are still SOOOO many places in Germany we have not explored yet] I just hope that everything goes as planned with his schedule and the Karen's will be here to travel with us in December!!!

Cross your fingers for us that all goes as planned!!!! I will be crossing mine!!! :o)

Peace Out Friends!!

Sunday, September 9, 2012

This unit clearly ran by men?!?!? AHHHHH

Just sharing with you my frustrations from the last week!! VENTING!!!

The hubs finally returned from deployment [at 1 a.m.]  on Thurs. the 6th. As he as being released, command instructed them to report for duty at noon the same day to leave for Field training but insisted they would be home for dinner that evening. At around 2pm, I get a call saying they decided to stay overnight in the field. And command gave all the guys 20 minutes to go pack overnight gear. [seeing as we live 20 minutes away from post, that wasn't happening] So my hubs said he would tough it out! [Which he has no problem doing, but I was highly irritated]. After class that evening I came home to a lonely house, a lil sad, again!!! But I was so tired from the prior 2 nights of excitement I almost did not care. This was the 1st night in a long time that I was asleep by 11. After just few short hours of sleep, I was awoken at 2 a.m. by an constant nagging buzzing.... yep, my phone. I groggily answer [ & if you know me, u know how much I love my uninterrupted sleep!!] & it's my husbands [annoying @ 2 am] cheerful voice saying I could come pick him up [now] b/c they were done!! All I could say was "are you fucking serious?!?!?!?" So I got dressed and angrily started my 20 min drive to post. As I am turning a corner in the town of Vilseck radio blaring [to stay awake] I pass a Polizei [German police] & then  see them whip around and turn on their screaming red lights & I hurriedly pull to the side of the road. So.... officially I have been stopped by the German police!!! Thank goodness I wasn't speeding [like normal] probably b/c I was so tired. They asked me why I am out so late & my response was "the stupid Army decided to release my husband in the middle of the damn night", they responded back with "ooohhh, well, have a good night." Right?!?!? So I finally get there & get the husband & his gear all loaded up & then wouldn't you know it he's trying to introduce me to soldiers.... OhHellNO!!! I was not havin' any of that, I couldn't even remember if I brushed my hair!! Well, needless to say when we got home around 2:45, I had gotten a 2nd wind, so there I was 3am cooking supper for the hubs. Not Ideal!!! My sleep schedule is all kinds of messed up!!

I learned 2 things from this.... 1) This unit does not have their shit together at all!! & 2) WE NEED A 2ND CAR!!!

But, the hubs has officially been home for 3 full days now. They ended up getting Fri off, probably as an apology for the unit being so fucking stupid!!!! We were able to get some stuff done, he got to eat all of his requested meals, & we even went out with some friends!!! Back to the world of smoke breath, biting nails, putting stuff where it doesn't belong & leaving messes EVERYWHERE for me to clean up! Ahhhhh, life as an Army Wife.

& back to the field he goes in 2 days..... it never ends!!

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

The Day Has Come!!!!!!!!!!!

Yep, the day is here!!! In a little over 2 hours I get to see my husband again!!!!!!!!!!! There is nothing better than a homecoming!! I think us Army Wives are lucky in that we get to experience the butterflies [like we probably all had in the beginning of our relationships] every time they come home from being gone for a long time. It's the greatest feelin and far out weighs the feelings of sorrow from when they leave!!!

The hardest part about today is the waiting. I have been up all day, cleaned everything left to clean, laundered everything I own, finished all my school work [including the most artistic drawing of the bloods passage through the heart and lungs]. LOL The cooler ready to b packed for the guys, by request of my husband!!! & after all that I still have hours left to kill. I told myself I would not start to get ready until 10 pm!! Its been sooooo hard. Let me tell ya, if these Gemans believed in stores being open past 7 I would so b shopping to kill some time!!! Well, it's officially 10:03 pm, his arrival is scheduled for midnight, so time to start getting ready!!!!!!!!!! YIPPEE!!!!!!!!!!!!! :o)

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Last weekend was my trip to the chocolate factory and a fortress in Kronach! It was ah-mazing! Well actually the chocolate wasn't the greatest it was the town & fortress that blew my mind!!! It was beautiful with such rich stories! I had a great time!

My favorite part of he tour was going trough the secret underground tunnels. I was 1st in line so I had to lead the group into the pitch black tunnels. The tour guide gave us candles to light the way but that wasn't working for me. It really just let me see my hand in front of me & nothing else. I blew that sucker out & put the flashlight on my phone on...much better.

As we were walking through the tunnels I had a creepy feeling like you would get at a haunted house during Halloween,like someone was going to jump out & scare the living day out of s. When I got home I noticed a picture I took in the tunnel & I swear it is a ghost.

To the left there is my breath b/c it was cold.... but straight ahead, sort of blue, I'm convinced it's a ghost!! What do you think??!?!
I think it is officially fall here in Germany. The leaves are starting to change color and the temperatures are getting cooler. This is probably my favorite time of year!!! I am excited to see fall happen before my eyes instead of just hearing about it like we normally do in Texas. LOL
Yesterday I celebrated the 1st anniversary of my 29th Birthday!!!! ;o) I was afraid I would spend the day alone, like so many days since the husband has been gone. But, my friends surprised me and took me out to dinner. They had balloons, flowers, and CAKE!!!! It was really great, the dinner was soo nice & I am sooooo happy to have found some friends that really wanted to make my day special......
& I am super excited my hubby will be home in just a few days!!!!! I CAN NOT WAIT!!!!
Things are fallin into place!
I am so happy!