Thursday, September 20, 2012

It's been a while!!

Since the hubs has been home I feel like it's been a roller coaster of up & downs with this unit, his schedule, and this crazy life of ours!!! The current world situation has not made things any easier for us either. Always concerned that he may be deployed at any moment if things don't start to calm down!! I was so looking forward to the holiday season so we will have some time together but now that time is threatened by the attacks on all the U.S. Embassy's and every other crazy thing popping off around the world. Everyday that he goes to work or every evening when his phone rings I find myself anxious to hear if there is an news about a possible deployment?!?!? The weekends are such a relief for me!

I am happy to report it is officially the season of Fall, which is one I have never really experienced being from Texas!!! The temperatures are high 50's or low 60's during the day & in the high 30's at night! The leaves are starting to change and it feels so great!! I think this may be my favorite season [besides the fact that it's football season.... Go, Cowboys....  :o/ ]!!

On a positive note however, tomorrow we are going to get our passports!!! I am so excited to get them in  & to begin traveling outside of Germany!! [even though there are still SOOOO many places in Germany we have not explored yet] I just hope that everything goes as planned with his schedule and the Karen's will be here to travel with us in December!!!

Cross your fingers for us that all goes as planned!!!! I will be crossing mine!!! :o)

Peace Out Friends!!

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