Wednesday, September 5, 2012

The Day Has Come!!!!!!!!!!!

Yep, the day is here!!! In a little over 2 hours I get to see my husband again!!!!!!!!!!! There is nothing better than a homecoming!! I think us Army Wives are lucky in that we get to experience the butterflies [like we probably all had in the beginning of our relationships] every time they come home from being gone for a long time. It's the greatest feelin and far out weighs the feelings of sorrow from when they leave!!!

The hardest part about today is the waiting. I have been up all day, cleaned everything left to clean, laundered everything I own, finished all my school work [including the most artistic drawing of the bloods passage through the heart and lungs]. LOL The cooler ready to b packed for the guys, by request of my husband!!! & after all that I still have hours left to kill. I told myself I would not start to get ready until 10 pm!! Its been sooooo hard. Let me tell ya, if these Gemans believed in stores being open past 7 I would so b shopping to kill some time!!! Well, it's officially 10:03 pm, his arrival is scheduled for midnight, so time to start getting ready!!!!!!!!!! YIPPEE!!!!!!!!!!!!! :o)

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