Saturday, September 1, 2012

Last weekend was my trip to the chocolate factory and a fortress in Kronach! It was ah-mazing! Well actually the chocolate wasn't the greatest it was the town & fortress that blew my mind!!! It was beautiful with such rich stories! I had a great time!

My favorite part of he tour was going trough the secret underground tunnels. I was 1st in line so I had to lead the group into the pitch black tunnels. The tour guide gave us candles to light the way but that wasn't working for me. It really just let me see my hand in front of me & nothing else. I blew that sucker out & put the flashlight on my phone on...much better.

As we were walking through the tunnels I had a creepy feeling like you would get at a haunted house during Halloween,like someone was going to jump out & scare the living day out of s. When I got home I noticed a picture I took in the tunnel & I swear it is a ghost.

To the left there is my breath b/c it was cold.... but straight ahead, sort of blue, I'm convinced it's a ghost!! What do you think??!?!
I think it is officially fall here in Germany. The leaves are starting to change color and the temperatures are getting cooler. This is probably my favorite time of year!!! I am excited to see fall happen before my eyes instead of just hearing about it like we normally do in Texas. LOL
Yesterday I celebrated the 1st anniversary of my 29th Birthday!!!! ;o) I was afraid I would spend the day alone, like so many days since the husband has been gone. But, my friends surprised me and took me out to dinner. They had balloons, flowers, and CAKE!!!! It was really great, the dinner was soo nice & I am sooooo happy to have found some friends that really wanted to make my day special......
& I am super excited my hubby will be home in just a few days!!!!! I CAN NOT WAIT!!!!
Things are fallin into place!
I am so happy!

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