Sunday, September 9, 2012

This unit clearly ran by men?!?!? AHHHHH

Just sharing with you my frustrations from the last week!! VENTING!!!

The hubs finally returned from deployment [at 1 a.m.]  on Thurs. the 6th. As he as being released, command instructed them to report for duty at noon the same day to leave for Field training but insisted they would be home for dinner that evening. At around 2pm, I get a call saying they decided to stay overnight in the field. And command gave all the guys 20 minutes to go pack overnight gear. [seeing as we live 20 minutes away from post, that wasn't happening] So my hubs said he would tough it out! [Which he has no problem doing, but I was highly irritated]. After class that evening I came home to a lonely house, a lil sad, again!!! But I was so tired from the prior 2 nights of excitement I almost did not care. This was the 1st night in a long time that I was asleep by 11. After just few short hours of sleep, I was awoken at 2 a.m. by an constant nagging buzzing.... yep, my phone. I groggily answer [ & if you know me, u know how much I love my uninterrupted sleep!!] & it's my husbands [annoying @ 2 am] cheerful voice saying I could come pick him up [now] b/c they were done!! All I could say was "are you fucking serious?!?!?!?" So I got dressed and angrily started my 20 min drive to post. As I am turning a corner in the town of Vilseck radio blaring [to stay awake] I pass a Polizei [German police] & then  see them whip around and turn on their screaming red lights & I hurriedly pull to the side of the road. So.... officially I have been stopped by the German police!!! Thank goodness I wasn't speeding [like normal] probably b/c I was so tired. They asked me why I am out so late & my response was "the stupid Army decided to release my husband in the middle of the damn night", they responded back with "ooohhh, well, have a good night." Right?!?!? So I finally get there & get the husband & his gear all loaded up & then wouldn't you know it he's trying to introduce me to soldiers.... OhHellNO!!! I was not havin' any of that, I couldn't even remember if I brushed my hair!! Well, needless to say when we got home around 2:45, I had gotten a 2nd wind, so there I was 3am cooking supper for the hubs. Not Ideal!!! My sleep schedule is all kinds of messed up!!

I learned 2 things from this.... 1) This unit does not have their shit together at all!! & 2) WE NEED A 2ND CAR!!!

But, the hubs has officially been home for 3 full days now. They ended up getting Fri off, probably as an apology for the unit being so fucking stupid!!!! We were able to get some stuff done, he got to eat all of his requested meals, & we even went out with some friends!!! Back to the world of smoke breath, biting nails, putting stuff where it doesn't belong & leaving messes EVERYWHERE for me to clean up! Ahhhhh, life as an Army Wife.

& back to the field he goes in 2 days..... it never ends!!

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