Friday, September 28, 2012


I have spent the last 4 days being a nurse, entertainer, cook, and maid as the husband has been home on quarters after oral surgery. I am so beyond thrilled to say he is feeling much better today!!! Now we get to enjoy the weekend before he goes back to work Monday!

We had planned to hit up Oktoberfest this weekend [b/c it's def something we have to see] but we heard that it is better to not go on the weekends b/c the crowds are over 250,000 people! I couldn't imagine being around that many people let alone that many drunk people. So we decided to wait till next weekend since it is Columbus Day they chances of him being off the Friday before are very good. Crossed fingers here!!! I am excited to get to experience the real Oktoberfest even though I am not a beer drinker! So i think we will just spend this weekend with friends, maybe a dinner date, and some driving around!

I learned an interesting fact today that i thought I would share.....  Many Americans will say gazuntite instead of bless you when someone sneezes thinking it means the same thing. But, it actually is the German word meaning health. Many centuries ago in Germany they were stricken by the bubonic plague. So people started saying gazuntite after a person sneezed because they were wishing health upon themselves b/c it meant they were probably going to get the plaque.

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