Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Feelin' Crafty?!?!?

The husband knows how much I love crafts & projects. I love them even more when it requires his help so we have the chance to work together! I have been wanting to put together something like this for a while.

I started collecting bottle caps & with the help of my friends I finally collected enough. So,I went to our local hardware store and had them cut a piece of wood for me. This one is 24x6. I came home right away and painted it dark brown. Then I read somewhere that to make perfect letters, just print them off of word in the size and font you wish. Tape them down and then trace the letters with a pen.
 IDK if you can see the indention the pen marks made, but it was great for painting letters on wood.

The husbands job was to screw in the eyelet hooks to hold the bottle caps. He also put holes into the top and bottom of each bottle cap making sure they were directly opposite each other. (he should have drilled them but lost his small drill bit so he used a nail and hammer instead) Once all the caps holes in them, I divided the caps into families and assigned each a color. Once the paint on the circles dried, I used a Paint Pen to write the name and the date on each circle. I used only the number of the date, because each circle will hang under its respected month.

Here is the final product b4 hanging it on the wall!! I'm pretty proud of it. But I think that in the future I may need to redo the bottle caps and change the colors. I should have used a white paint pen instead of black!! But I still love it!!

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