Monday, February 11, 2013

Mushroom Burgers...YUM!

As we started into this new year I have told myself I would try hard to make/eat healthier food. Besides my Dr. Pepper addiction, I have been doing pretty good. Of course I use pinterest to collect some new healthier recipes but another source I get recipes from is The Chew. I am in love with this show and the husband actually likes it too which is very surprising!! Not all the recipes they make are healthy but a few are. So one that I tried was excited to try was mushroom burgers. I was a little skeptical at first but was excited to try them, & hey, I love mushrooms so it had to be ok, right?!?!

....& they were great. (the husband actually liked them better on day 2). The main ingredient..... 3 different kinds of mushrooms. They were so pretty cooking, I had to snap a pic. It isn't often I find food "pretty." LOL I should have chopped them smaller but it still worked. I had trouble flippin them too, but the husband came to the rescue.

I paired it with baked fries. I was excited to use my new mandolin to dice the potatoes. I seasoned them and sprayed a lil olive oil on them and baked them @ 400 for 20 min. They would have been great, except for I accidentally picked up & seasoned them with cinnamon. OOPS!! Would have been great if they were sweet potatoes. :o) But hey, we ate em anyway. lol

Here is the link to the recipe from "The Chew."

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