Friday, June 1, 2012

Random Thoughts

Oh Man! I'm feeling a bit random today!!!! My thoughts are all over the place!!! I'm sure you will realize that shortly! The weather here is crazy!!!! 2 days ago I wanted to throw myself on the coolness of the hardwood floors in front of the fan because I was dying with no a.c. It was soooo HOT! & last nights storms brought incredible cool weather. Today is definitely a hoodie & jeans kinda day!!! Burr!!! :o)

So, our landlords just came up to inform us that they would be gone for a week. They are going sailing!! Ahhh doesn't that sound great! I know it made the husband drool a lil [jealous] I really want to know what that man does for a living!!! Or if we fund his vacations with our $1400+ rent?!?!?!?!? lol Oh well, while they are gone, this is the perfect time for me to teach Bella how to get back up onto the balcony from their backyard [since we do not have "garden" access] instead of having to go downstairs every night to let her in the front door.

We r currently brainstorming ideas for our weekend!!! I'm hoping for a day trip & the hubs wants to stay the weekend somewhere?!?!? Decisions, decisions?!?!?!? All I know is that the car has a full tank of gas and both my cameras are charging!! lol :o) I will let you all know what we decide on!!!

I just realized today is June 1, & the husband deploys this month!!!!! :o(   Gotta get in as much as we can before he leaves! I still can't believe he is actually leaving after being in Germany such a short time!!! [Haven't even hit the 2 month mark yet] Well, I guess this just proves what being an army wife is all about!!! Being strong even when you don't want to be! I'm sure you'll be hearing much more about this deployment as the time gets closer. I guess, for now, it still seems a little unreal. I'm sure it will hit me harder as the time gets closer! Until then we will keep on truckin! Top priority: Study for my driving test so I won't be stuck here while he is gone!!! I CAN DO IT!!!!! ;o)

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