Wednesday, June 27, 2012

D Day

Sad day! :o(  The husband deployed today! I know I can do this short deployment b/c I've done 2 others that were much longer. I just hate goodbyes. I tried to hint to him about what my favorite character from the book 50 Shades of Grey always says.... "Laters, baby" Since I do not like goodbye instead he comes at me with "see you laters." He said " I knew I got the laters right." lol Thats my husband?!?!?!? Well, at least he made me giggle in spite of my tears!!!

This week I am enrolled in a 4 day long class called - Welcome to Bavaria. It has been a great experience. I have started learning German but was afraid I sounded dumb so I never wanted to share with anyone. After one day of lerning German phrases and numbers in the class I realize how good Im actually doing and how I don't sound as bad as I thought. 2 more days to go and we are actually going to use our skills when the instructor takes us to the town of Weiden. I'm really pumped b/c the hubs & I  haven't had a chance to visit Weiden yet.

Well, I had an incredibly early wake up this a.m. to get to the unit to drop the hubs off. So early bedtime it is for me!!! Laters!

Sunday, June 24, 2012


When I first moved here I had a conversation with my sister about the strip clubs here. We wondered how you'd give the girls money? Normally in America a dollar is what you would "throw" at the girls [or stuff in various places] but here in Germany the 1 Euro is a coin. So we laughed thinking do they throw the coins at the girls, do the girls dance around with fanny packs trying to catch the coins. lol It was definitely something we laughed about for a while. Still makes me laugh when I think about it. But, anyways, while we were out the other night I told this story to a guy in the hubby's unit & after he laughed about it he pulled out his wallet.....

So he says you would buy these with Euro to give to the dancers & they would cash them in later. & his girlfriend wasn't to happy to see these in his wallet but I was happy he had them to show me. lol

The last 4 days our guys played 7 softball games. Poor guys, they were all sore &/or injured!!! They played so hard & have come so far from where they were when they began the season.
                                                              I <3 these guys!!

But sad that my hubby & a couple others can not continue the season b/c they deploy soon!!! That team was the best thing that happened for me since we arrived here. It gave me a chance to meet some pretty cool army wives. If he would not have joined that team I would probably still be sitting in our house alone not knowing anyone. I'll continue to support out team b/c they need my crazy mad yelling skills. :o)

So today was a sad day. Packing his bags for the deployments always gets to me. I love that he always gets me to help though. It is fun to watch him cram things into the bags, he even shoves his foot in there to push everything down so he can cram more crap into the already full bag. Without his Army learned packing skills I wouldn't do vacation & traveling very well. :o) So now his bags are packed & he's ready to go..... but I'm not ready at all!!!!

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Softball, softball, softball!!!!! So much, I might scream!!!! lol Game last night (which they won), double header tonight, & then a tournament Fri, Sat, & Sun!!! WOW!!! Then, sadly, next week he deploys!!!! :o(  Totally bummed he's leaving so soon after arriving. I feel like we just barely got settled into a routine!!! On the up side, I am scheduled for a 4 day Welcome to Bavaria class next week & in July I will start an introduction to German class. So I am happy to at least have some opportunities to do some things while he is gone!!! So much going on now, will have to chk in later!

Saturday, June 16, 2012

a lil line dancing in Germany!

We got invited to a small lil pub in a town called Parkenstein. It was about 20 minutes away & decided it would b cool to go. The pub was located right next door to an elementary school and we later found out the the pub served the kids lunch everyday. I thought that was really weird. But whatever. When we were driving uphill to the town, I noticed a small church on a very tall hill so immediately I asked if we could drive up there.

By drive I meant walk. lol So after about 400 steps we finally reached the top. Although I was outta breath & just being that high in elevation it kinda just took your breath away. But the view was so worth it. It was beautiful.

So after the long walk down the very steep hill the husband says " it was definitely time to drink a beer." So back to the pub we go. It was a quaint lil place not too many people so it as just our speed.

Even though I had not planned on drinking I couldn't resist this drink being served in tiny ice cream cones covered in chocolate. MMMMM It was so good and they told me it was egg nog but it was unlike any eggnog Ive ever tasted. I actually really loved this stuff. So after 1 lil tiny shot, I gave the lady a thumbs up & she filled my glass again. After that one I ate my chocolate cone & that was how you told them you were satisfied.

They pub hosts a group of people who come every Friday night from Weiden to do some line dancing. If my phone hadn't died I would definitely have some pics or videos to show you. It was awesome. It was unlike any line dancing I've ever seen. The people sped up every song & I swear had a different dance for every song. I didn't have any liquid courage to get out on the dance floor so I just watched but it was pretty cool. Well, minus the crazy skinny kid in his too tight jeans, weird cowboy hat, & his boots that he stomped entirely too much. The one thing that I did find weird about their line dancing was all the clapping. Entirely too freaking much!! lol

After the line dancers left we sat around a table w/our 2 new friends, Danny & his girlfriend Jennifer Lopez, which I thought was too funny not to share. lol We just called her Jenny though. & Jenny's uncle Roland. He was definitely a character. He spoke little English but we had almost a 3 hour conversation with him. Though Jenny translated a little it was the best conversation we'd had with a German speaking person. We were teaching him English words & between him and Jenny we learned quite a few words in German. However, the one that stands out to us the most is scheisse taje which translates to shit bag. Its a term often used by these army men we are around. lol

So during the conversation we are talking about counting using your fingers. So if I as an American try to tell a German 3 by using my pointer, middle, & ring fingers they really have no idea what I'm trying to say. They count by using the thumb as 1, pointer finger as 2, middle finger as 3 & so on.... Well, my point in telling you this is because I have found myself trying to translate a "thumbs up" to many Germans & after 2 months I realize I have been walking around telling people "1" instead. This surely gave everyone in the bar a good laugh when Jenny translated this all to them. Especially since they noticed me giving a thumbs up to the lady who served me eggnog  earlier in the evening which resulted in her pouring me another shot. Yep, a good thing to know. I can only imagine how stupid I've looked in the past giving waiters a thumbs up after many a dinners here. LOL at myself!!! hehe

Monday, June 11, 2012


The day started out early. 7:00 & I was up & getting ready to go. I had to sit in on a 3 hour drivers course b4 I could take my test. When the instructor finally handed out the test, I read the 1st question & immediately thought "Oh Shit" I don't know this. I thought the same thing after reading question 2, 3, & 4!!! At that moment I knew I was doomed!!! But luckily, as I went on they started to look more familiar. And after 20 min I was done. The second one to turn in my test. As the instructor starts grading it, I see him mark [in bright red ink] X, X, X, X,  again I think "Oh Shit"!!! (This brought me back to sitting in Mrs. Hlavinkas classroom, Junior year , when I got the news I failed my 1st ever drivers test after the long agonizing weeks in Drivers Ed!!!) However, to my surprise, I was wrong. I only missed 5 more after that. Could miss 15 to pass. Which meant I was in the clear. YAY!!!! $10 later and I was officially legal to drive in Germany. The day only got better when we were able to finally pick up our car and return the tiny little rental car we have been driving the past 2 months. :o) & I drove us home & despite a lil freak out in the traffic circle did amazing!!!! :o)

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Driving in Germany

So, it's been super great to have the hubs home from the field. & was sooooo excited to get the news that our car was here. The hubs was actually off yesterday & we went to Graf [30 min away] to get the car....just to find our that we have to get license plates for it 1st from the vehicle registration office. & yep, just our luck they were closed!!!! So we are still in the small little rental car where every time he shifts into 5th gear he jams his fist [around the shifter thing] into my thigh!! UGH! Just 3 more days of this & we will get our car on Monday!!!! I also go in Monday to take my drivers test. So, needless to say all I have been doing is studying!!!! Some things are so frustrating!!!! .....

Here is an example of my frustrations. The ? asks...... Which 2 cars must yield. I would say 1 & 3......WRONG!!!!

It's 2 & 3. Let me tell you how much I hope I do not come across this scenario in real life. I might as well hang a sign in the car that says sorry, I'm American & clearly can't drive!!!!

So not only do you need to learn how to drive on the road with other cars & trucks, you also have to know about trolleys, buses, cyclists [b/c there r tons of them], horse & buggies & also........

Yep, that's right. Men pulling carts!!!! Really people!?!?!?! This ? asks in what order do they proceed. The answer would be 1-3-2, so it's not difficult but it is amusing!!! :o)

So today we ventured into Nuremberg to go to IKEA! It was a fun trip & it made the hubs happy b/c he wanted to check out one of the Masonic Lodges there in Furth. After following the GPS to a dead end & having to ask a person who clearly didn't speak English very well, we finally made it to the Lodge. Man, it was a gorgeous site....

The pic really never does these places justice. The stone work was amazing! But after taking this pic we walked around back to see the bldg up close because they were having some kind of event here b/c everyone we saw was dressed to the T's. When we walked back around the front we noticed that everyone had went inside so I made the husband walk up closer to get a close shot & then a nice young man starts walking up to us. We try to get some info out of him about the bldg & he politely says how beautiful it is then rushes us out & locks the gates behind us. So, yea he pretty much kicked our ass outta there. I'm sure he & maybe some of the guest inside were thinking "crazy Americans". lol

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Bleh!!! :o/

The hubs is in the field for the next few days! Which sux for him b/c it is super chilly [for summer n e ways] & I know wherever he is right now hes complaining. lol & it sux for me too being stuck in this house w/o a car. Bleh!! So not much going on today. Besides yelling at the cat to shut-up [b/c she constantly meows & paws at the door even after going outside] the only time I talked today was when mom called!!! :o) The highlight of my day!!! Well, .....besides the e-mail I received from 1 of the besties!!!! Well, now Imma go lay in bed & read my kindle till I fall asleep....... then repeat this day all over again tomorrow!!! Just another day in this crazy army wife life of mine!!!! Later Ya'll

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Parmesan Tilapia

We had a pleasant rainy day just hanging out & watching movies. Even though I did not want to cook tonight, I like to make a good Sunday night dinner for the hubs to start his week off right. So, I tried a new recipe tonight! & it was fabulous. We have been trying to eat more fish & the hubs loves talapia. I don't mind it but I really wanted to find a recipe that would have me wanting more. & this people, is the recipe!!! It is from All Recipes.  I'm sure you could use other fish & I saw comments that people take out the mayo & substitute it with other things to make it healthier. But really, you should try it!!!!

1/2 cup Parmesan cheese
1/4 cup butter, softened
3 tablespoons mayonnaise
2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice
1/4 teaspoon dried basil
1/4 teaspoon ground black pepper
1/8 teaspoon onion powder
1/8 teaspoon celery salt
2 pounds tilapia fillets

Preheat your oven's broiler. Grease a broiling pan or line pan with aluminum foil.
In a small bowl, mix together the Parmesan cheese, butter, mayonnaise and lemon juice. Season with dried basil, pepper, onion powder and celery salt. Mix well and set aside.

Arrange fillets in a single layer on the prepared pan. I like to sprinkle the fillets with salt, pepper, and a little Cajun seasoning for some kick. Broil a few inches from the heat for 2 to 3 minutes. Flip the fillets over and broil for a couple more minutes. Remove the fillets from the oven and cover them with the Parmesan cheese mixture on the top side. Broil for 2 more minutes or until the topping is browned and fish flakes easily with a fork. Be careful not to over cook the fish. This yields 4 servings.
 Well, hope you all have a great week. Come back & visit sometime ;o)

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Dachau & Munich Day Trip

The one subject in history that I have actually had an interest in since Jr. High was hearing the stories of the victims of the Holocaust. That was one thing I knew I wanted to see while we are in Germany. Only a couple hours away lies the site of one of the largest concentration camps in Europe & one of the only ones that existed throughout the entire 12 years during the Nazi rule. Needless to say, our trip today to Dachau's memorial site of the concentration camp was a somber experience.

The gate we walked through as we entered the camp. In English it translates "Work hard & you will be set free" Can you imagine what the people thought as they entered this camp through this same gate?!?!?!?

One of the 32 barracks. They were meant to house 6,500 prisoners total but estimated over 40,000 prisoners at one time.

This is where it really hit me. I couldn't believe that they let people walk through the gas chamber. It seems so unreal but for so many this was the last room they ever saw. No words can really describe the feeling you get when you enter a room like this.

NEVER AGAIN! You got that right!!!

Well after this experience, we needed to do something a lil more uplifting! We decided to visit Munich since it was only minutes away from Dachau. We didn't have much time to explore and the husbands fractured foot was killing him by this time, so we decided to do a city tour on a double Decker bus.

Yes, as you can tell, my hubby can not take good pics. & unfortunately I forgot my camera today so all of my pics are from my cell phone. Thank goodness the battery was fully charged!!! & I was sad that I couldn't get great pics from the top of the bus, but I'll still share some! :o)

One of the 3 gates into the town. King Maximilian from the 19th century took out the bridges to the town & constructed 3 huge gates to enter the town through. This was in order to control trade & increase money for the town. There were soooo many people out today. I have never seen so many bicycles!!!!!! Idk if I got any pics of the massive amounts of bicycles parked outside every building.

Part of the market place. Just so cute!

Most of the buildings here are just gorgeous. This one is the town hall.

Well, all in all our trip was great. We dad a blast hanging out just the 2 of us. We conquered the autobahn where people were flying by us & we even got some good Mexican food in Munich. We were super pumped. We really thought our days of good mexican food were over for a while. & the best part of my day..... which had us laughing for 10 or 15 minutes...... as we were leaving the town, trying to navigate through some pretty crazy streets & tunnels I am admiring the nice views, the trees & flowers, the ponds, the fountains, and the.....NAKED PEOPLE!! Yep, I almost didn't believe my own eyes, as we were leaving the town on a pretty busy freeway, I look to my right & I see naked old guy butt walking around & about 5 ft from him big naked boobs laying on the ground tanning, I guess [& a couple other less tragic nudes in the background].  I was dying & we were laughing so hard. I'm sure you could just imagine the face I made as I was telling the husband to turn the car around so I could take a pic. I wanted to share that with the whole world.

Friday, June 1, 2012

Well, I learned something new today. The sirens went off in town & immediately I think we are having bad weather. I look outside & it doesn't look like a bad storm was coming so I'm thinking.... WTH are the sirens for. So yes, I admit it, I was slightly freaked out. Even though our landlords started their vacations today I decided to call. I asked her what the sirens are & I could tell although she speaks English, had no idea what I was asking her. So, I tried again with the word alarm instead of siren. She then goes on to tell me she could be home in 20 minutes. UGH! Finally, she understood [I could tell by the way she giggled at me] & explained the sirens meant that there was a fire or bad accident and that's how they called the fire dept from the other communities!!! Well, now I know. LOL

On another note, we found the best Italian restaurant today [w/real food & not just ice cream, lol]. I never thought I would get pasta w/tomato sauce, ham, and peas & think I would enjoy it. But.... It was fantabulous!!! Pino Pizzeria..... probably the best place we have eaten at since we arrived in Germany & the plus side....the delivery boy is just a delish as the food. LOL

Nite all. :o)

Random Thoughts

Oh Man! I'm feeling a bit random today!!!! My thoughts are all over the place!!! I'm sure you will realize that shortly! The weather here is crazy!!!! 2 days ago I wanted to throw myself on the coolness of the hardwood floors in front of the fan because I was dying with no a.c. It was soooo HOT! & last nights storms brought incredible cool weather. Today is definitely a hoodie & jeans kinda day!!! Burr!!! :o)

So, our landlords just came up to inform us that they would be gone for a week. They are going sailing!! Ahhh doesn't that sound great! I know it made the husband drool a lil [jealous] I really want to know what that man does for a living!!! Or if we fund his vacations with our $1400+ rent?!?!?!?!? lol Oh well, while they are gone, this is the perfect time for me to teach Bella how to get back up onto the balcony from their backyard [since we do not have "garden" access] instead of having to go downstairs every night to let her in the front door.

We r currently brainstorming ideas for our weekend!!! I'm hoping for a day trip & the hubs wants to stay the weekend somewhere?!?!? Decisions, decisions?!?!?!? All I know is that the car has a full tank of gas and both my cameras are charging!! lol :o) I will let you all know what we decide on!!!

I just realized today is June 1, & the husband deploys this month!!!!! :o(   Gotta get in as much as we can before he leaves! I still can't believe he is actually leaving after being in Germany such a short time!!! [Haven't even hit the 2 month mark yet] Well, I guess this just proves what being an army wife is all about!!! Being strong even when you don't want to be! I'm sure you'll be hearing much more about this deployment as the time gets closer. I guess, for now, it still seems a little unreal. I'm sure it will hit me harder as the time gets closer! Until then we will keep on truckin! Top priority: Study for my driving test so I won't be stuck here while he is gone!!! I CAN DO IT!!!!! ;o)