Sunday, June 24, 2012


When I first moved here I had a conversation with my sister about the strip clubs here. We wondered how you'd give the girls money? Normally in America a dollar is what you would "throw" at the girls [or stuff in various places] but here in Germany the 1 Euro is a coin. So we laughed thinking do they throw the coins at the girls, do the girls dance around with fanny packs trying to catch the coins. lol It was definitely something we laughed about for a while. Still makes me laugh when I think about it. But, anyways, while we were out the other night I told this story to a guy in the hubby's unit & after he laughed about it he pulled out his wallet.....

So he says you would buy these with Euro to give to the dancers & they would cash them in later. & his girlfriend wasn't to happy to see these in his wallet but I was happy he had them to show me. lol

The last 4 days our guys played 7 softball games. Poor guys, they were all sore &/or injured!!! They played so hard & have come so far from where they were when they began the season.
                                                              I <3 these guys!!

But sad that my hubby & a couple others can not continue the season b/c they deploy soon!!! That team was the best thing that happened for me since we arrived here. It gave me a chance to meet some pretty cool army wives. If he would not have joined that team I would probably still be sitting in our house alone not knowing anyone. I'll continue to support out team b/c they need my crazy mad yelling skills. :o)

So today was a sad day. Packing his bags for the deployments always gets to me. I love that he always gets me to help though. It is fun to watch him cram things into the bags, he even shoves his foot in there to push everything down so he can cram more crap into the already full bag. Without his Army learned packing skills I wouldn't do vacation & traveling very well. :o) So now his bags are packed & he's ready to go..... but I'm not ready at all!!!!

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