Saturday, June 2, 2012

Dachau & Munich Day Trip

The one subject in history that I have actually had an interest in since Jr. High was hearing the stories of the victims of the Holocaust. That was one thing I knew I wanted to see while we are in Germany. Only a couple hours away lies the site of one of the largest concentration camps in Europe & one of the only ones that existed throughout the entire 12 years during the Nazi rule. Needless to say, our trip today to Dachau's memorial site of the concentration camp was a somber experience.

The gate we walked through as we entered the camp. In English it translates "Work hard & you will be set free" Can you imagine what the people thought as they entered this camp through this same gate?!?!?!?

One of the 32 barracks. They were meant to house 6,500 prisoners total but estimated over 40,000 prisoners at one time.

This is where it really hit me. I couldn't believe that they let people walk through the gas chamber. It seems so unreal but for so many this was the last room they ever saw. No words can really describe the feeling you get when you enter a room like this.

NEVER AGAIN! You got that right!!!

Well after this experience, we needed to do something a lil more uplifting! We decided to visit Munich since it was only minutes away from Dachau. We didn't have much time to explore and the husbands fractured foot was killing him by this time, so we decided to do a city tour on a double Decker bus.

Yes, as you can tell, my hubby can not take good pics. & unfortunately I forgot my camera today so all of my pics are from my cell phone. Thank goodness the battery was fully charged!!! & I was sad that I couldn't get great pics from the top of the bus, but I'll still share some! :o)

One of the 3 gates into the town. King Maximilian from the 19th century took out the bridges to the town & constructed 3 huge gates to enter the town through. This was in order to control trade & increase money for the town. There were soooo many people out today. I have never seen so many bicycles!!!!!! Idk if I got any pics of the massive amounts of bicycles parked outside every building.

Part of the market place. Just so cute!

Most of the buildings here are just gorgeous. This one is the town hall.

Well, all in all our trip was great. We dad a blast hanging out just the 2 of us. We conquered the autobahn where people were flying by us & we even got some good Mexican food in Munich. We were super pumped. We really thought our days of good mexican food were over for a while. & the best part of my day..... which had us laughing for 10 or 15 minutes...... as we were leaving the town, trying to navigate through some pretty crazy streets & tunnels I am admiring the nice views, the trees & flowers, the ponds, the fountains, and the.....NAKED PEOPLE!! Yep, I almost didn't believe my own eyes, as we were leaving the town on a pretty busy freeway, I look to my right & I see naked old guy butt walking around & about 5 ft from him big naked boobs laying on the ground tanning, I guess [& a couple other less tragic nudes in the background].  I was dying & we were laughing so hard. I'm sure you could just imagine the face I made as I was telling the husband to turn the car around so I could take a pic. I wanted to share that with the whole world.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad you were entertained with naked, old man butt at the end of your day trip. I'm sure it was a highlight of the day. LOL
