Monday, June 11, 2012


The day started out early. 7:00 & I was up & getting ready to go. I had to sit in on a 3 hour drivers course b4 I could take my test. When the instructor finally handed out the test, I read the 1st question & immediately thought "Oh Shit" I don't know this. I thought the same thing after reading question 2, 3, & 4!!! At that moment I knew I was doomed!!! But luckily, as I went on they started to look more familiar. And after 20 min I was done. The second one to turn in my test. As the instructor starts grading it, I see him mark [in bright red ink] X, X, X, X,  again I think "Oh Shit"!!! (This brought me back to sitting in Mrs. Hlavinkas classroom, Junior year , when I got the news I failed my 1st ever drivers test after the long agonizing weeks in Drivers Ed!!!) However, to my surprise, I was wrong. I only missed 5 more after that. Could miss 15 to pass. Which meant I was in the clear. YAY!!!! $10 later and I was officially legal to drive in Germany. The day only got better when we were able to finally pick up our car and return the tiny little rental car we have been driving the past 2 months. :o) & I drove us home & despite a lil freak out in the traffic circle did amazing!!!! :o)

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on passing the test! I almost thought your story would turn sour after reading that you didn’t know the answer to a lot of questions. Anyway, I imagine your stay in Germany has taken a turn for the better after getting your driver’s license. Now you can go anywhere you want!
