Saturday, June 16, 2012

a lil line dancing in Germany!

We got invited to a small lil pub in a town called Parkenstein. It was about 20 minutes away & decided it would b cool to go. The pub was located right next door to an elementary school and we later found out the the pub served the kids lunch everyday. I thought that was really weird. But whatever. When we were driving uphill to the town, I noticed a small church on a very tall hill so immediately I asked if we could drive up there.

By drive I meant walk. lol So after about 400 steps we finally reached the top. Although I was outta breath & just being that high in elevation it kinda just took your breath away. But the view was so worth it. It was beautiful.

So after the long walk down the very steep hill the husband says " it was definitely time to drink a beer." So back to the pub we go. It was a quaint lil place not too many people so it as just our speed.

Even though I had not planned on drinking I couldn't resist this drink being served in tiny ice cream cones covered in chocolate. MMMMM It was so good and they told me it was egg nog but it was unlike any eggnog Ive ever tasted. I actually really loved this stuff. So after 1 lil tiny shot, I gave the lady a thumbs up & she filled my glass again. After that one I ate my chocolate cone & that was how you told them you were satisfied.

They pub hosts a group of people who come every Friday night from Weiden to do some line dancing. If my phone hadn't died I would definitely have some pics or videos to show you. It was awesome. It was unlike any line dancing I've ever seen. The people sped up every song & I swear had a different dance for every song. I didn't have any liquid courage to get out on the dance floor so I just watched but it was pretty cool. Well, minus the crazy skinny kid in his too tight jeans, weird cowboy hat, & his boots that he stomped entirely too much. The one thing that I did find weird about their line dancing was all the clapping. Entirely too freaking much!! lol

After the line dancers left we sat around a table w/our 2 new friends, Danny & his girlfriend Jennifer Lopez, which I thought was too funny not to share. lol We just called her Jenny though. & Jenny's uncle Roland. He was definitely a character. He spoke little English but we had almost a 3 hour conversation with him. Though Jenny translated a little it was the best conversation we'd had with a German speaking person. We were teaching him English words & between him and Jenny we learned quite a few words in German. However, the one that stands out to us the most is scheisse taje which translates to shit bag. Its a term often used by these army men we are around. lol

So during the conversation we are talking about counting using your fingers. So if I as an American try to tell a German 3 by using my pointer, middle, & ring fingers they really have no idea what I'm trying to say. They count by using the thumb as 1, pointer finger as 2, middle finger as 3 & so on.... Well, my point in telling you this is because I have found myself trying to translate a "thumbs up" to many Germans & after 2 months I realize I have been walking around telling people "1" instead. This surely gave everyone in the bar a good laugh when Jenny translated this all to them. Especially since they noticed me giving a thumbs up to the lady who served me eggnog  earlier in the evening which resulted in her pouring me another shot. Yep, a good thing to know. I can only imagine how stupid I've looked in the past giving waiters a thumbs up after many a dinners here. LOL at myself!!! hehe

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