Friday, June 1, 2012

Well, I learned something new today. The sirens went off in town & immediately I think we are having bad weather. I look outside & it doesn't look like a bad storm was coming so I'm thinking.... WTH are the sirens for. So yes, I admit it, I was slightly freaked out. Even though our landlords started their vacations today I decided to call. I asked her what the sirens are & I could tell although she speaks English, had no idea what I was asking her. So, I tried again with the word alarm instead of siren. She then goes on to tell me she could be home in 20 minutes. UGH! Finally, she understood [I could tell by the way she giggled at me] & explained the sirens meant that there was a fire or bad accident and that's how they called the fire dept from the other communities!!! Well, now I know. LOL

On another note, we found the best Italian restaurant today [w/real food & not just ice cream, lol]. I never thought I would get pasta w/tomato sauce, ham, and peas & think I would enjoy it. But.... It was fantabulous!!! Pino Pizzeria..... probably the best place we have eaten at since we arrived in Germany & the plus side....the delivery boy is just a delish as the food. LOL

Nite all. :o)


  1. The siren is like the one in Boling. It didn't even occur to you? And what did Tony think of your 'delish' delivery boy?

  2. I guess I was so used to the one in Fort polk that went off for tornadoes, bad weather, or any other bad thing. & he said "no comment" lol
