Wednesday, June 27, 2012

D Day

Sad day! :o(  The husband deployed today! I know I can do this short deployment b/c I've done 2 others that were much longer. I just hate goodbyes. I tried to hint to him about what my favorite character from the book 50 Shades of Grey always says.... "Laters, baby" Since I do not like goodbye instead he comes at me with "see you laters." He said " I knew I got the laters right." lol Thats my husband?!?!?!? Well, at least he made me giggle in spite of my tears!!!

This week I am enrolled in a 4 day long class called - Welcome to Bavaria. It has been a great experience. I have started learning German but was afraid I sounded dumb so I never wanted to share with anyone. After one day of lerning German phrases and numbers in the class I realize how good Im actually doing and how I don't sound as bad as I thought. 2 more days to go and we are actually going to use our skills when the instructor takes us to the town of Weiden. I'm really pumped b/c the hubs & I  haven't had a chance to visit Weiden yet.

Well, I had an incredibly early wake up this a.m. to get to the unit to drop the hubs off. So early bedtime it is for me!!! Laters!

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