Saturday, June 9, 2012

Driving in Germany

So, it's been super great to have the hubs home from the field. & was sooooo excited to get the news that our car was here. The hubs was actually off yesterday & we went to Graf [30 min away] to get the car....just to find our that we have to get license plates for it 1st from the vehicle registration office. & yep, just our luck they were closed!!!! So we are still in the small little rental car where every time he shifts into 5th gear he jams his fist [around the shifter thing] into my thigh!! UGH! Just 3 more days of this & we will get our car on Monday!!!! I also go in Monday to take my drivers test. So, needless to say all I have been doing is studying!!!! Some things are so frustrating!!!! .....

Here is an example of my frustrations. The ? asks...... Which 2 cars must yield. I would say 1 & 3......WRONG!!!!

It's 2 & 3. Let me tell you how much I hope I do not come across this scenario in real life. I might as well hang a sign in the car that says sorry, I'm American & clearly can't drive!!!!

So not only do you need to learn how to drive on the road with other cars & trucks, you also have to know about trolleys, buses, cyclists [b/c there r tons of them], horse & buggies & also........

Yep, that's right. Men pulling carts!!!! Really people!?!?!?! This ? asks in what order do they proceed. The answer would be 1-3-2, so it's not difficult but it is amusing!!! :o)

So today we ventured into Nuremberg to go to IKEA! It was a fun trip & it made the hubs happy b/c he wanted to check out one of the Masonic Lodges there in Furth. After following the GPS to a dead end & having to ask a person who clearly didn't speak English very well, we finally made it to the Lodge. Man, it was a gorgeous site....

The pic really never does these places justice. The stone work was amazing! But after taking this pic we walked around back to see the bldg up close because they were having some kind of event here b/c everyone we saw was dressed to the T's. When we walked back around the front we noticed that everyone had went inside so I made the husband walk up closer to get a close shot & then a nice young man starts walking up to us. We try to get some info out of him about the bldg & he politely says how beautiful it is then rushes us out & locks the gates behind us. So, yea he pretty much kicked our ass outta there. I'm sure he & maybe some of the guest inside were thinking "crazy Americans". lol

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