Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Bleh!!! :o/

The hubs is in the field for the next few days! Which sux for him b/c it is super chilly [for summer n e ways] & I know wherever he is right now hes complaining. lol & it sux for me too being stuck in this house w/o a car. Bleh!! So not much going on today. Besides yelling at the cat to shut-up [b/c she constantly meows & paws at the door even after going outside] the only time I talked today was when mom called!!! :o) The highlight of my day!!! Well, .....besides the e-mail I received from 1 of the besties!!!! Well, now Imma go lay in bed & read my kindle till I fall asleep....... then repeat this day all over again tomorrow!!! Just another day in this crazy army wife life of mine!!!! Later Ya'll

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